Sunday, October 5, 2008

Day 2 In China

Day 2 in China was progressing according to plan - until the last match, when the wheels skidded! Never mind, 5 out of 6 wins is very respectable.

We walk miles to the venues and then to the Vugraph room, through countless security stops. There are hundreds of security guards around the playing site, and 5 metre high wire fences surrounding the hotels and convention centre. It seems that every street is 8 lanes wide and you have to find a way out and then cross them to get a taxi, or go to a restaurant. We shall all arrive home fit!

Match 1 today was quite routine and almost every team finished well before time. Our second match, against Ireland, had a little more action, and this was the most fun hand:

John and Billy reached 4H on this auction:

and lost a diamond, spade and heart, for +420

Stephen and Jurek had this auction:

The defence faltered slightly. The spade ace was lead, followed by the 4C. East did not realize that west was looking for a ruff on this line, so switched to a heart, that was ducked to the Q. On the run of the spades and clubs, west was squeezed and Jurek put him in with his stiff ace of hearts, to lead away from the KJ diamonds. Making +620, for 14 Imps.

Ed has a bad cold, so went to bed after the first match. We are hoping he will be back in form, tomorrow.

Goodnight from Beijing.


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